Application for Doctoral Degree

Department of Geophysics, Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University

Seven documents for the application

Download word files [Click Here!] for Documents 1, 2 and 6.
Submit Documents 2 through 6 electronically.
Documents 1 and 7 must be submitted in original with a seal or signature by bringing them directly to the Geophysics Affairs Office.

  1. (a) An application for Thesis review for Doctoral Degree (Course).
    (b) An application for doctoral degree and the examination fee (57,000 Japanese Yen) for Doctoral Degree (Thesis/Dissertation).
  2. The catalog of the doctoral dissertation.
  3. Main Thesis, Foundational Papers (journal papers which are bases of the Main Thesis), and Reference Papers (other journal papers).
  4. Application form for conferring doctoral degree. [Click Here!].
  5. Documents of acceptance for peer reviewed English papers accepted by international journals, in case those papers have not published.
  6. Curriculum Vitae.
  7. Letter of consent from co-author(s) ([Japanese, Click Here!] or [English, Click Here!]).

If necessary, refer to the "Forms and Submission Instructions for Doctoral Degree Applications" (for Commencement on March 24, 2025)[English, Click Here!]. However, prepare your application documents based on its latest version at the time of application.

The e-mail address for the contact is (Ms. Rikako Ishii, Geophysics Affairs Office).

Department of Geophysics, Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences
In effect on Oct. 7, 2021, by the Department Meeting of Geophysics

Binding the Thesis

Applicants are asked to bind only the Main Thesis.

Two copies of the final version must be submitted after the review process by the committee and the defense are completed. One must be bound and will be kept in the Kyoto University Library. The other one should be placed in an envelope without punching holes and be submitted to the Geophysics affairs office. The second copy will be bound by the Department and be kept in the Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences Library.

The title and name of the dissertation must be printed on the cover and spine of the bound volume. Do not include anything other than the title and name of the thesis. For example, the affiliation, the title of position, year, etc. must not printed.

The binding should be in the form of a book, which is designed to be viewed in the library and preserved for many years. (The binding should be no less than that of the Graduate School of Science's "Academic Affairs Handbook".)

Handling of bookbinding

Bookbinding of dissertations are also available at the Co-op. The cost is about 600 yen per book if you bring the unbounded copy. Please request a simple binding with the title of the thesis and your name printed on the spine and the front cover. For details, please contact the Co-op at 753-7633.

Thesis Examination Fees only for Doctoral Degree (Thesis/Dissertation)

Applicants must transfer the fee for the dissertation review to the designated bank account in advance. Make sure to transfer the fee correctly. Also note that the fee in non-refundable, once paid.

The bank account: Mitsui Sumitomo Bank, Kyoto Branch (Bank Code 0009, Branch No. 496), Account No. 8089301, the name of the account “Kokuritsu-Daigaku-Hojin Kyoto Daigaku”.

No prescribed bank transfer form is issued. Attach the original of the receipt to the Application form for conferring doctoral degree.

Booklet issued by the Graduate School of Science

Gakuji Youkou